court of equity

英 [kɔːt ɒv ˈekwəti] 美 [kɔːrt əv ˈekwəti]




  1. The presiding judge of a court of chancery or equity in some states of the United States.
  2. CVC Capital has secured a court order freezing the assets of a flamboyant Chinese restaurant owner who sold a majority stake in her company to the European private equity group last year for$ 300m.
  3. To call in the army to restore law and order. The proceedings and practice of a court of chancery; equity.
  4. It asked the court for permission to file unredacted details of its situation in the interest of their creditors, equity holders and other stakeholders, as well as to ensure an open, transparent and fair process.
  5. In the judicial practice of our country the second instance court seldom holds a hearing for the cases brought by the defendant, which hinder the realization of substantive justice and procedural equity.
  6. In the description about the Labour Court, the article will focus on analyzing how effective implemented the judicial protec-tion to the disadvantaged group of the community in the application of the Employment Equity Act. All this will effectively show the public effect of the Justice.
  7. Under the auspices of the court, the administrator of this part of the main equity commission the transfer of the auction, thereby restoring the normal operation of the limited liability company.
  8. Since the British industrial revolution, due to infringement of socialization, in the UK court of equity, resulting in patterns of response to this tort litigation arising from representative groups.